Sunday, December 23, 2007

Minimize Wrinkles In 4 Easy Steps

By Lana Robinson

Most people want to grow old gracefully, retaining their youthful appearance with as few wrinkles as possible. The United States currently has more "Baby Boomers" (those born between [and including] 1946 and 1964) than ever before because of the "explosion" of births after American soldiers returned home from World War II. When we think of the baby boomer generation, we often think of the 1960s. Specifically, women born between these "boomer" years want to look as good as they can and they want to celebrate the vitality and the self-confidence that their experience has given them.

Preventing wrinkles

Preventing wrinkles is obviously the best way to not have wrinkles. However, running around in the sun without sunscreen when we were children, and going to those football and baseball games without sunscreen was really a mistake. Not taking care of our skin when we were younger makes it a little bit harder to reverse the signs of again, but it can be done! If nothing else, you should wear sunscreen, even if you are just driving around in the car. Make sure it has an SPF 8 or higher.

Staying hydrated is your first defense against wrinkles. Drink between six and eight glasses of water each day to keep your skin smooth and plump. Now, this may sound like a lot of water, but it's really not that much water at all. Once you get used to drinking the recommended daily water intake, you'll feel so much better and will start to notice a transformation taking place with your skin! You should also have a well-balanced diet. When your body gets the proper nutrients, your healthy skin will show from the inside out! You will feel better and look better. Eat foods that are rich in anti-oxidants and are high in Vitamins A, C and E. These vitamins are good for the skin's appearance. You could also take a good multi-vitamin each day.

I cannot say this enough.... Excercie! You should exercise on a regular basis. Even if it's just walking for 30 minutes a day. Exercise makes you feel better, burns fat, and helps to release toxins that have built up in your body. You should also use a good moisturizer to help your skin retain its elasticity, which reduces the amount of wrinkles. Your skin will be soft and smooth, and you'll appear younger! A lot of moisturizers on the market today contain mineral oil. Mineral oil is not necessarily a bad thing, it's just that it's a filler... and it sits on the top layer of the skin and just makes you "look" hydrated. If you want to really hydrate your skin, you need a good mositurizer (without mineral oil or waxes) that has some beneficial ingredients that go deep into the skin's layers and promotes the generation of newer, healthier cells.

I cannot say this enough: Avoid the sun! If you must be in the sun, please wear a sunscreen of SPF 15 or higher if you are going to be outside. Even in the middle of the winter. The sun is "up there" all year (unless you live in Alaska)! A good tip is to use a moisturizer with sunscreen included in the formulation. I know it's hard to do, but you must also quit smoking and limit your alcohol. These all have the power to rob your skin of its elasticity and youthfulness. You can also choose to wear protective clothing to avoid the sun and prevent wrinkles.

Treat Age Spots at Home

A natural and easy to use home remedy for age spots is Virgin Coconut Oil, recently discovered as one of the best home remedy skin care treatments. Virgin Coconut Oil contains many antioxidant properties. It also hase the ability to be absorbed into the skin and cell structure. This, in turn, helps to rejuvenate the skin. Virgin Coconut Oil that has not been refined does not break down the same as refined vegetable oils. Did you know that you can substitute virgin coconut oil in foods and further your health and skins appearance?

Other oils that contain properties that are healthy for skin are extra virgin olive oil, avocado oil, peanut oil, or sesame oil. These oils also contain anti-oxidants that help the skin to retain its elasticity. They also contain ingredients that help to reduce fine lines and wrinkles... and to prevent them from forming.

Non Prescription Skin Treatments

Wanting to treat wrinkles at home instead of going to a "spa" or dermatologist? Many products that are "over-the-counter" can be purchased and used to treat wrinkles in the comfort of your own home. Dermatologists recommended that products contain vitamins C & E as well as have anti-oxidants in them. Products that also contain Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA) help to remove the dead layers of skin to produce a younger appearance in the skin.

Retinol is a form of Vitamin A, and can be used to reduce acne as well as increasing the cell turnover rate of your skin. The faster your cells regenerate... the more youthful you will appear. Your fine lines and wrinkles on your face will be diminished. Retinol and Alpha Hydroxy Acides (AHA) are found in many night creams for the face. Use a natural skin lightener for those dark under-eye circles. Kojic Acid is also a good ingredient, because it's a natural lightener and works wonders on dark under-eye circles.

You have many options for reducing fine lines and wrinkles. You don't have to spend a fortune, either!

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