Everyone likes to see a cute, dimpled smile. What nobody wants to see or have is a dimpled BUTT. Cellulite is infamous for giving us dimples on our thighs, butts, and hips. Yeah, blech.
Fortunately, there are lots of ways to learn how to get rid of cellulite. But today, we will concentrate on what doesn't work. Too often we'll see commercials and advertisements promoting some product that's supposed to erase our cellulite and make us look as sexy as a Hollywood actress. And, of course, most of them are rip-offs! Here's a list of the things that don't work.
Creams and Lotions - They say that they know how to get rid of cellulite: Just rub this cream on your thighs and watch the cellulite disappear. Which is just false advertising! Sometimes they work, but only for a little while. They temporarily shrink the fatty cells. Before you know it, the cellulite returns like an ex-boyfriend who can't take a hint.
Body Wraps - Again, these may provide a temporary fix but the truth is that it is very temporary. Actually, body wraps may not even be healthy for you. Next time you see an advertisement for these, just turn the television off!
Electric Muscle Stimulation - Ah, these sound like a dream come true, right? All you have to do is put on this device, switch it on, and sit back down on the couch to watch more television. Keep it up and your cellulite is all gone. Nope, sorry, that's a hoax too.
If you truly want to learn how to get rid of cellulite, you have to learn what to eat, what to avoid, and what exercises will help shrink those fat cells. This is the only effective way to reduce cellulite and make our skin look smoother and slimmer.
It's a tough call, sure, but we can do it. All it takes is commitment, drive, and determination to eliminate those dimples once and for all!
Fortunately, there are lots of ways to learn how to get rid of cellulite. But today, we will concentrate on what doesn't work. Too often we'll see commercials and advertisements promoting some product that's supposed to erase our cellulite and make us look as sexy as a Hollywood actress. And, of course, most of them are rip-offs! Here's a list of the things that don't work.
Creams and Lotions - They say that they know how to get rid of cellulite: Just rub this cream on your thighs and watch the cellulite disappear. Which is just false advertising! Sometimes they work, but only for a little while. They temporarily shrink the fatty cells. Before you know it, the cellulite returns like an ex-boyfriend who can't take a hint.
Body Wraps - Again, these may provide a temporary fix but the truth is that it is very temporary. Actually, body wraps may not even be healthy for you. Next time you see an advertisement for these, just turn the television off!
Electric Muscle Stimulation - Ah, these sound like a dream come true, right? All you have to do is put on this device, switch it on, and sit back down on the couch to watch more television. Keep it up and your cellulite is all gone. Nope, sorry, that's a hoax too.
If you truly want to learn how to get rid of cellulite, you have to learn what to eat, what to avoid, and what exercises will help shrink those fat cells. This is the only effective way to reduce cellulite and make our skin look smoother and slimmer.
It's a tough call, sure, but we can do it. All it takes is commitment, drive, and determination to eliminate those dimples once and for all!
About the Author:
Sick of Cellulite? Visit Getting Rid of Cellulite and discover How To Get Rid of Cellulite without the hype and without the fuss.
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